How to do your Machine Learning Assignments in 10 minutes

- 16 mins

Last semester, while I was taking the course of Machine Learning, I was given the following assignment:

Comparison of the empirical error of the Perceptron, Logistic Regression, AdaBoost and SVM algorithms on the UCI Datasets of “Breast Cancer Wisconsin (Diagnostic)”, “Ionosphere”, “Letter Recognition” and “Spambase”.

Instructions: Shuffle the datasets, and use a 70% of the data for training and 30% for testing. Repeat this process 20 times and list the average percentual empirical errors for both the training and testing stages.

The professor gave us a link to his compilable code to train and test with the Perceptron, Logistic Regression and AdaBoost algorithms and another link for an executable SVM implementation. The idea was then to craft some bash scripts that did the dirty work for us.

I found that such assignment was rather more suitable for a bash tutorial than for a Machine Learning course. So I basically borrowed the code from some nice friends (thank you guys), executed in my computer, and write a report with the results (which would be different than my friends’ because of the dataset shuffling).

It was not until my Master Thesis internship at STEEP that I discovered this course, which introduced me to a working methodology that boosted greatly my productivity. Then I realized that with that methodology I could have done my assignment in 10 minutes (and enjoyed it more), which motivated me to write this post.

Preparing our Working Environment

First Step: Download Anaconda

Anaconda is an open source Python distribution that comes with most of the data science packages that you will need. Go to Anaconda’s download page and follow the instructions to install it in your system. You will need around 600MB of free disk space and it will take some time (that is not part of the promised 10 minutes, sorry) to install. For UNIX users, here are some important notes (see this for more information about the installation):

Create a Virtual Environment

Once you have successfully installed Anaconda, you can open a terminal and use the command conda. First we will create a virtual environment, which is just a bunch of Python packages (with a specified version each) wrapped up in a way that:

  1. in your computer you can work on projects that use different versions of Python packages, and
  2. you can automatically replicate such environment so your project will work the exact same way in another computer, regardless of its system packages.

So now that you know about Python virtual environments, let’s create one named data_science as in: conda create -n data_science anaconda. This environment will come with the anaconda packages, which include already everything you might need for your assignments. To work on the data_science environment do source activate data_science (and use deactivate data_science to exit it).

Working with Jupyter Notebooks

Now that we already have a great stack of libraries that will help us on our data science duties, it is time to put it into action in a very interactive way. The following tool is what has boosted the most my productivity as a data scientist: Jupyter Notebooks. It is sort of a mix between an interactive shell and a code editor, which allows to craft little pieces of code and execute, modify and export them. If you find that Python shell allows very little code editing and that writing .py scripts and execute them is not too interactive, Jupyter Notebooks is just what you were looking for.

The Jupyter Notebooks come as part of the anaconda package set, and works as a web application. You might use it directly on the browser, or in Emacs (this is what I do, and works like a charm. See this package to learn how), or Vim (although I have never used it).

To use it, just launch a terminal, activate your data_science virtual environment, set your desired working directory and then execute jupyter notebook. With the default configuration, it will run at http://localhost:8888/ and automatically open a browser tab with that address (if you use Emacs or Vim you might want to change the default settings so it does not open the browser). Now create a new notebook for your assignment (in the browser you just go to New > Notebook Python 3), and let the game begin!

Hands on the Data

Loading the Datasets

To manipulate the data, we will use the pandas package, which comes as part of the anaconda package distribution that we used in our environment.

So assuming that we are working in our virtual environment, we are going to import pandas and use its read_csv method that accepts URIs as parameter. We will do that as follows:

import pandas as pd

base_uri = ""

uris = [
    base_uri + dataset_uri for dataset_uri in [

bc, io, lr, sp = [pd.read_csv(uri, header=None) for uri in uris]

If you actually check the input files from the URIs, you will see that the first line of the file is already an instance, which justifies the header=None passed as keyword argument.

Now we have four DataFrame objects that correspond to each of the UCI Datasets.

Understanding the Data

This is most likely the most boring part: it involves reading! Because well, we would need to know what each variable represents. But as applied mathematicians we just see a supervised classification problem, among which we just need to spot the response and the independent features or attributes. This time I will do it for you and summarize it into a nice table (but next time, you are going to have to browse the description of each of the dataset to spot the response and the attributes):

Dataset #Instances #Cols Response Attributes
Breast Cancer 569 32 2nd col as in ‘M’=malignant, ‘B’=benign * 30 cols, 3rd to 32nd
Ionosphere 351 35 35th (last) col as in ‘g’=good, ‘b’=bad cols 1st to 34th
Letter Recognition 20000 17 1st col, multi-classed with 26 values representing letters form A to Z cols 1st to 16th
Spambase 4601 58 58th (last) col as in ‘0’=spam, ‘1’=not spam cols 1st to 57th

*The 1st column of Breast Cancer represents the patient id, which should not be considered as it is not a determinant fact on the classification (again, this shows why we need to read the dataset descriptions)

Very important note: none of the datasets contained missing values, so there is no need for any data preprocessing in this sense. A deeper read of the datasets’ attribute descriptions should tell us whether we need other data preprocessing such as standardization. But this is outside the scope of my post. I am just describing a generic dataset-independint working methodology. I will just mention that in the anaconda package distribution includes several tools to address the data preprocessing (i.e.

So now we are ready to separate the response and the attributes. For that purpose, we will use the iloc method of the DataFrame class. For two-dimensional DataFrame instances, the first component selects among the row axis, and the second one among the column axis. So taking into account which columns we extract, with the following lines of code we will get the attributes as X_foo and the response as y_foo:

X_bc, y_bc = bc.iloc[:, 2:], bc.iloc[:, 1]
X_io, y_io = io.iloc[:, :io.shape[1]-1], io.iloc[:, -1]
X_lr, y_lr = lr.iloc[:, 1:], lr.iloc[:, 0]
X_sp, y_sp = sp.iloc[:, :sp.shape[1]-1], sp.iloc[:, -1]

# Any preprocessing (normalization, missing values...) should be done here.

datasets = {
    label: (X, y) for label, X, y in [
        ('breast_cancer', X_bc, y_bc), ('ionosphere', X_io, y_io),
        ('letter_recognition', X_lr, y_lr), ('spambase', X_sp, y_sp)

The shape method returns a tuple representing the dimensions of its DataFrame instance, so foo.shape[1] will return the number of columns of foo. On the other hand, the iloc method automatically infers the type to each instance, so in our case the y_foo objects will be Series (one-dimensional n-arrays) whereas the attributes will still be DataFrames (two-dimensional n-arrays).

After the individualized separation of each dataset’s response and attributes (and potential data preprocessing in many real-life cases), we will pack all of the datasets into a labelled dict datasets. Using a dict is not necessary, we could have just created separate variables for each DataFrame, however the dict is easily iterable, which will be very useful to DRY out our further code.

Preparing the Training and Test Datasets

The assignment instructions state that we shall shuffle the data, and then use a 70% of the instances for training and the remaining 30% for testing.

Let me introduce you to the module that we are going to use for the learning algorithms: scikit-learn. The module comes as well as part of the anaconda package distribution, and has the train_test_split method that will perform all the tasks described in the paragraph above in just one line of code (for a given dataset’s attributes X and response y):

from sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_split

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, train_size=.7)

where the train_size=.7 indicates that a 70% of the dataset shall be used as training (and implicitly a 30% for testing).

Let There Be Learning

After splitting our dataset, we are ready to learn a model out of the training set, and test how well the model does on our testing set. With scikit-learn, this could not be simplier:

  1. We first import the learning algorithm class (i.e. Perceptron) and instanciate it
  2. Learn the algorithm’s model out of the training set by calling the instance’s method .fit(X_train, y_train)
  3. Determine the model’s accuracy over the testing set by calling the instance’s method .score(X_test, y_test)

So with Perceptron as example, this code would look as follows:

from sklearn.linear_model import Perceptron

model = Perceptron(), y_train)
model.score(X_test, y_test)

Putting it all Together

Let’s go back to the assignment description: we want to compare the empirical error of four different learning algorithms in four different datasets. So first we need to import the learning algorithms, which are all four available in scikit-learn, and put them into some iterable (I will use a dict so I have associated labels at each iteration):

from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression, Perceptron
from sklearn.ensemble import AdaBoostClassifier
from sklearn.svm import SVC

algorithms = {
    'perceptron': Perceptron,
    'logistic_regression': LogisticRegression,
    'adaboost': AdaBoostClassifier,
    'svm': SVC

Now we are ready to wrap it all in three nested for loops. Before the loop, a DataFrame called scores_df will be created in order to store the score (the complementary of the empirical error), with the learning algorithms as columns and the datasets as rows. Then the three for loops (in increasing depth order) are the following:

from sklearn.cross_validation import train_test_split

scores_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=algorithms.keys())
n = 20

for algorithm_label, algorithm_class in algorithms.items():
    model = algorithm_class()
    algorithm_scores = {}
    for dataset_label, (X, y) in datasets.items():
        dataset_score = 0
        for i in range(n):
            X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(
                X, y, train_size=.7)
  , y_train)
            dataset_score += model.score(X_test, y_test)
        algorithm_scores[dataset_label] = dataset_score / n
    scores_df[algorithm_label] = pd.Series(algorithm_scores)

And now we can print the table with the results:

                    perceptron  adaboost  logistic_regression       svm
breast_cancer         0.838012  0.960234             0.949415  0.632456
ionosphere            0.811792  0.918396             0.857075  0.925472
letter_recognition    0.459800  0.265075             0.717717  0.970200
spambase              0.617379  0.937762             0.928639  0.821832

Writing your Report

I am actually one of those math/engineering students that actually enjoys writing nice reports with LaTeX. Nevertheless, it takes a lot of time, and in an engineering school time it is a very limited resource. But Jupyter comes with an awesome feature that allows you to export the .ipynb notebooks to several formats. It is as easy as going to a terminal with the virtual environment activated, and execute:

jupyter nbconvert --to latex assignment.ipynb

assuming that assingment.ipynb is your notebook (or path to your notebook). The command will create an assignment.tex file in the shell’s working directory, which you might edit until you have your final report.

If you are very lazy, or do not enjoy writing reports at all, you might just add some explanatory comments to your code, and execute:

jupyter nbconvert --to pdf assignment.ipynb

which will output theassignment.pdf that you might already use as final report.

Final Notes

First of all, you might download the assignment.ipynb here, or view it directly on the browser.

The main motivation of this post was the thought that I had of “if only I had known this while I was taking the course…”, but working with Anaconda and Jupyter will certainly be very useful for any data analysis task that I might do in the future. The “10 minutes” might be a bit exagerated, but I bet there is no faster way. If you want to learn more, I totally recommend you to check Jose Portilla’s course on udemy.

Another thing that I recommend you is to use Emacs. The learning curve is for sure steep, but it is worth it. Now I use it for coding in any language, web design, LaTeX, Markdown… This slide presentation should give you a nice introduction. Start before you are too old!

Martí Bosch

Martí Bosch

Urban sprawl, Python, and a bit of landscape ecology and complexity